Saturday, August 14, 2010

Words of Wisdom? I have none.

I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday, so I shall post twice today.

So, yesterday was my last day of work, so I guess I should write about it a little. It was mostly a normal day, except we had a group meeting in the afternoon that turned out to be a goodbye party. With a chocolate and coffee cake. Yummy! And then my manager's manager came, because my manager was in India, and of course, we asked for a few words of wisdom. And this is what he said.

"Words of wisdom? I have none."

Great. Probably the best words of wisdom I had ever heard.

And then at the end of the party, we asked for inspirational words. And this is what he said.

"It's impossible. But try your best."

Somehow I'm thinking the inspirational words and the words of wisdom should have been switched around. But either way, the words were quite amusing, and I'll probably remember them for a while yet.

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